
Please click "Start Submission" button below to upload your abstract (congress online account is required)
* Abstract submission closes on Aug 25st, 2017

Main Topics

  1. Programmed treatment of CLP
    • 1.1 Surgery for primary & secondary deformities
    • 1.2 Anesthesia
    • 1.3 Orthodontic treatment
    • 1.4 Special care for nursing/ mentality/speech
  2. Fundamental research of CLP
    • 2.1 Etiology of CLP
    • 2.2 Genome wide association study
  3. Syndromes associated with CLP
  4. Other congenital cranial and maxillofacial deformities

Abstract Guidelines

  1. All abstracts have to be in structured format (More details, please download "Abstract Template")
  2. Abstracts must be original and should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication in any journal.
  3. All presenters must register to attend the congress. If an abstract is accepted and the presenter does not register, the abstract may be withdrawn.
  4. All submissions will be reviewed carefully and the authors will then be notified by email.
  5. Although we make the final decision about whether you will make an oral or poster presentation, it is important to indicate your preference during online submission.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have questions or need further information. Everyone is welcomed for an eager contribution.