What is ICPF?

The International Cleft lip and Palate Foundation is a multi disciplinary humanitarian foundation devoted to cleft lip and palate patients. It was established on October 23 1997, at KYOTO with more than twenty countries participating.

Wha are the goals of ICPF?

  1.  To advance the care for cleft lip and palate patients, worldwide.
  2.  To strengthen care activity in cleft lip and palate treatment through volunteer activity, charity missions and fund raising.
  3.  To hold a multi -disciplinary international congress in order to facilitate mutual understanding.
  4.  To establish a network system of information exchange, regardless of fields and organization.

Why was the ICPF established?

  1.  No such organization currently exists.
  2.  CLP is the most common congenital anomaly in humans and therefore merits special and particular attention for voluntary activity.
  3.  A multi-disciplinary foundation will permit membership to surgeons, orthodontists, speech patholgists, geneticist, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, prosthodontists,and most importantly patients and family members of patients. This kind of very broad membership base is not possible in a professional specialty association.